Yo Hei Bangzhong's hole, a few had you stepped on? I feel every mom drops hole at least

Yo black a list of names posted up, platitude, but every mom can have walked for certain among them a hole, even if know,be hole, still go to inside jump. Each treasure Mom, must share the taste that steps on hole novice mom, scientific Yo, you have me to have her!

1.excrement make water: Chinese tradition, to now a lot of families return darling excrement make water, endanger one search to pile, the mom that enters pit should wake woke!

2.Use toddle car to darling: What say here is traditional toddle car, the sort of put baby intermediate bag to wear, not be go-cart go the sort of, growth of bone of meeting influence darling causes deformation, must ban with!

Yo Hei Bangzhong's hole, a few had you stepped on? I feel every mom drops hole at least

3.Do not wear pants of paper make water to darling and wear open-seat pants: Those who feel pants of the make water that wear paper is frowsty is confused, with diaper, wear open-seat pants even. It is good that actually pants of paper make water can compare diaper permeability. And must not wear open-seat pants, it is wholesome be much malformation!

4.Give darling shave shaven head: Feel to jump over have one's head shaved, the hair grows well more, return shave bareheaded, begin to grow well from hair root. Pure belong to a bullshit, do not have scientific reason completely, and still can make darling scalp and wool bursa are damaged, not again shave bareheaded!

5.Baby gives a year old ago complementary feed add salt to add honey: Say what child has a meal much more insipid without flavour ah, former juice Yuan Weicai is actually delicious, the flavour that does not let you forces the child. Darling bowel path and kidney cannot accept so much salt and honey, for the health of darling, stop to add!

Yo Hei Bangzhong's hole, a few had you stepped on? I feel every mom drops hole at least

6.Drop in temperature to darling with alcohol: Alcohol is wiped drop in temperature to had brought about a lot of darling toxic, too dangerous! And alcohol drops in temperature to also be solved not problem of know clearly what, fall not temperature of know clearly what, stop!

7.Cross 6 months to ablactation to darling: What to say nonnutritively, add powdered milk! It is eyewash simply, mother milk does not have nutrition, imitate a mother to breed the recipe milk that added substance of a few kinds of nutrition has nutrition. Exceed 6 months, right way is mother milk is added complementary feed, is not to abandon mother milk! World Health Organization still suggests the mother breeds feed comes 2 years old!

8.Masticatory food feeds darling to eat: This very should much family avoided, but still have really, my saw with one's own eyes has seen several second, so epinosic practice, the family that stresses a point a little should avoid, even if be again lazy mom,also should use to darling complementary feed machine with abrade bowl!

Yo Hei Bangzhong's hole, a few had you stepped on? I feel every mom drops hole at least

9.Darling takes a car need not safe seat: A lot of people had walked this large hole, even if is to know not to sit safe seat is dangerous, also do not buy! Even some mom still put the child in deputy drive, put in the most dangerous place, do not know to think how really. Safe seat is installed at once!

Nine large hole, a mom that had not walked hastens raise one's hand, admire sincerely! Be worth everybody to order assist study!

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