Highest check: Will 5 years sue drugs to commit a crime 740 thousand much person

Highest check: Will 5 years sue drugs to commit a crime 740 thousand much person

Report from our correspondent (reporter Zhang Yu) today is the 31st international stands poisonous day, in the morning, top people procuratorate is held " function of sufficient play procuratorial work punishs lawfully drugs commits a crime " news briefing. The reporter learns on the meeting, came in January 2013 in April 2018, mechanism of countrywide procuratorial work is approved in all catch drugs crime case many 530 thousand 660 thousand much person, prosecute drugs crime case many 590 thousand 740 thousand much person.

Increasing punish strength, maintain the high-pressured posture aspect that strikes drugs crime, long Huang Weiping of 2 hall deputy hall says public prosecution of top people procuratorate, came in January 2013 in April 2018, mechanism of countrywide procuratorial work is approved in all catch drugs crime case 536704 660600 people, occupy all criminal case to arrest number respectively 15.3% , 13.6% ; Prosecute drugs crime case 597608 741260 people, occupy all criminal case to sue number respectively 10.8% , 9.7% .

Came in January 2018 among them in April, mechanism of countrywide procuratorial work is approved in all catch drugs crime case 26248 31679 people, prosecute 28951 35193 people, sue number and score of photograph of the corresponding period did not rise 2013 29.7% , 18.8% .

Committing a crime to drugs of the case investigate supervise, lawfully inspect put on record, correct leakage to catch leakage blame leakage to make a field, huang Weiping says, came in January 2013 in April 2018, mechanism of countrywide procuratorial work supervises case of crime of drugs of put on record of public security mechanism in all 11092; Correct leakage to arrest 8752 people in all, correct leakage to catch of people of talent to tell 6091 people among them, 161 people are sentenced life imprisonment above is penal; Correct in all move send sue omit crime 18986 people, correct omit an accomplice 8686 people, among them 419 people are sentenced life imprisonment above is penal.

In the criminal counterappeal respect to drugs crime case, huang Weiping says, came in January 2013 in April 2018, mechanism of countrywide procuratorial work puts forward 2 careful counterappeal and rehear counterappeal in all 2950, among them one batch maintains mistake of fact, applicable law to bring about abnormal of measurement of penalty because of the judgment light innocent even case gets be correctived lawfully.

Answering a reporter " a what characteristic does current drugs crime present? " when the problem, huang Weiping undertook introductory from 5 respects.

It is amount of drugs crime case is large in recent years, the situation that prohibit toxin still austere. Guilty case grows the new-style synthesis drugs that gives priority to in order to put ketone of poison, Ma Gu, chloric amine on the ice in recent years especially rapid, crime is low age turn a tide apparent.

2 it is concentration of drugs crime kind, smuggling, traffic, carry, production drugs crime, look takes 3 charge such as crime of blame of other drug taking, illegal hold drugs, case volume resides before 3 in drugs crime, number of case of these 3 kinds of crime and number hold sum total of all drugs crime respectively 98.8% , 98.4% .

3 it is drugs crime tall hair ground is centered relatively, the case such as Guangdong, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou measures before house 5, the case measures the sum to occupy the 40% above that countrywide drugs commits a crime.

4 it is 10 grams traffic narcotics case 0 packets to occupy below than very tall, meanwhile, smuggling, traffic, carry, production drugs a large amount of changing apparent, kilogram the case of class jumps. If Hainan thanks the person such as some to make drugs proposal, make chloric amine ketone amount to many kilograms 1200.

5 it is drugs guilty professionalism is apparent, method face-lifting, detect does difficulty big, a large amount of a few drugs committed a crime to still provide firearms ammunition. J223

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