Capture drugs sues De Yang 82.3 kilograms first half of the year 186 people

Cover news dispatch (Wang Pan of reporter of learn on job of reporter Dong Xingsheng) on June 26 afternoon, international stands poisonous day that day, the reporter learns from public security bureau of heart in relief city, up to on June 20, de Yangquan city uncovers narcotics case 187 cases in all, dozen punish 223 people, prosecute 186 people, capture is of all kinds drugs 82.3 kilograms, capture poison endowment more than yuan 20.

Capture drugs sues De Yang 82.3 kilograms first half of the year 186 people

Ma Jianping of head of department of committee member of Party committee of public security bureau of heart in relief city, politics introduces, since May 1, mechanism of public security of De Yangquan city was begun " Xia An " assault fortified positions of the crack a criminal case that prohibit toxin is special the action. In the time that is less than two months, uncover narcotics case 28 cases in all, capture drugs 1.12 kilograms, blow makes suspect of the crime that peddle poison 42 people.

Capture drugs sues De Yang 82.3 kilograms first half of the year 186 people

This year on May 29, heart in relief city bans poisonous detachment to receive masses to inform against say, the dweller is used to nod rental room to undertake drug taking peddles poisonous activity for a long time in urban somebody. Receive after informing against, more than 80 alarm force army dispatchs quickly, arrest main crime suspect 2 people, demolish suck the nest that peddle poison to nod 3, the spot hunts down drug taking personnel in all 30 more than person. Current, personnel of 2 suspicion that peddle poison lawfully criminal is detained, personnel of other drug taking lawfully administrative punishment.

Capture drugs sues De Yang 82.3 kilograms first half of the year 186 people

On June 6, wide Chinese city banned poisonous group to uncover make together sell drugs record. Sun Mou of main crime suspect, be suspected of making not only, traffic drugs, return illegal hold firearms. Current, sun Mou of main crime suspect, deserted Zheng Mou is detained by criminal, xie Mou of drug taking personnel, Zhou Mou by lawfully administration is detained.

Ma Jianping introduces, during special operation, through how alarm linkage, since work up much alarm couplet is diligent, hit those who prevent an organic whole to ban poisonous job system, at the same time implementation bans ability of poison suction Buddhist monastic discipline to promote continuously. "During the action, dispatch in all alarm force 1200 person-time, check washs bath to massage, the key place such as hotel, Internet bar, rental room many 2130. Check washs bath to massage, the key place such as hotel, Internet bar, rental room many 2130..

Capture drugs sues De Yang 82.3 kilograms first half of the year 186 people

"Investigate drug taking personnel in all 521 people, forcibly poison of Buddhist monastic discipline 103 people, clear check and fulfil a canal to accuse to lose drug taking personnel and staff of drug taking of unidentified current situation 232 people. " Ma Jianping expresses, next, heart in relief city will increase drugs problem focal point to pay close attention to area punish strength ceaselessly, implementation reduces drug taking, keep within limits to make the poison, job target that peddles poison to drop.

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