Research discovery exercises muscle to help macrobian beautiful expert: Grip is the most important

Research discovery exercises muscle to help macrobian beautiful expert: Grip is the most important

[round-the-world net reports integratedly] according to England " daily Post " reported on August 27, a newest research shows, grip of American of close half the number is poorer, and grip size is the reliable index that measures force of human body whole and life. The researcher of the university discovers Mixiegen, no matter muscle quality how, the crowd with faint muscle has the may earlier death of 50% .

The research of this research shows as a result, have able-bodied sarcous the person lives more likely for a long time. In addition, investigator returns discovery, those who affect long life is muscle strength, have nothing to do with muscle quality.

People thinks the food that keeps good is used to normally, hold to motion heart disease of OK and effective precaution, diabetic even cancer. Nevertheless, according to this one newest research, right way is, besides the campaign that has improving heart lungs function, pay attention to weight lifting exercise even.

This person that study the main compose of the report Kate? Doctor and his research group shows Du Chu Buddhist nun, the place that human body needs to retain power most is both hands. Grip is the crucial index that measures one individual whole power, and the person's grip is met as the growth of the age atrophy. To this, university research group is opposite Mixiegen technically the grip of the male and many 8300 female undertook analytic study. The result shows, the participator of 46% is belonged to " muscle delicate in health " . The doctor says Du Chu Buddhist nun: "Exercise grip to will make as the one part in nursing daily muscle gets taking exercise as early as possible, can prolong life thereby, enhance action power. Enhance action power..

Investigator people express, exercise muscle forever not late -- to old people, what their force trains to compare a youth possibly is more important. Prevent: of say of Dr. Chu Ni?  of school of  of reed of bully show off circles  of Xi of Gan of tiny fragments of stone of Guan dispatch dumpling setting out Kang of α of 3 aim ∪ putting in order circles tiny fragments of stone of Tuo Yue of  of the Ti that mirror な ancients name for a water catltrop  of plaque of χ cool Piao! ?

The United States is facing population nowadays aged, close half the number because the old people of 65 years old of above acts disadvantageous and hard hold together is worn the life, future, this one problem will be more serious. Although this one problem does not have essential settlement method, but it is OK to take exercise greatly slow down is aged brought bad influence and social responsibility. (The exercitation compiles: Zhang Peilun goes over a manuscript or draft: Li Zongze)

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