What copper cash grass grows is bad, this at 3 o'clock cannot little, a bit less you raise grass of

Is what copper cash grass walks unsteadily longly why?

Copper cash grass is exceedingly good raise, no matter be to be short of light to still lack fertilizer, won't die, even if you lack water a few times, he also won't appear easily the case that fights dead, want rhizome to still exist only, it can grow again new leaf, but he grows so that walk unsteadily, have a reason for certain. For Xiaoqi cause him 3 reasons of this kind of circumstance.

What copper cash grass grows is bad, this at 3 o'clock cannot little, a bit less you raise grass of bad copper cash

The first kind of circumstance is everybody knows, should be short of light to cause namely, illumination is insufficient, his Xie Bing is gotten with respect to chairman very long, what blade grows is big, the weight of blade is great, petiole is too long prop up can press painfully it walks unsteadily. Whole form and structure is bad to looked, raise copper cash grass to must offer enough illumination, put it to the end of the sun, want not to lack water only, can grow very well, say to must give him enough illumination so.

What copper cash grass grows is bad, this at 3 o'clock cannot little, a bit less you raise grass of bad copper cash

Another is planted the circumstance is short of water place to cause namely. What you raise grass of original copper cash is exceedingly good, illumination is exceedingly enough also, fertilization also caught up with, but you are casual forgot to water, its lamina come down with respect to can all slouch. Next you are irrigated after sailing upstream, it is met again recreative stand up. Be short of water to perhaps do not have a thing for the first time, but lack water a few times water perhaps is lacked badly once after water, its lamina irrigate after sailing upstream, although stand up,also can walk unsteadily. Raise copper cash grass, do not want to give him regularly to lack water, the lamina that is short of water to be able to cause it cauline doing makes a turn grow out of order.

What copper cash grass grows is bad, this at 3 o'clock cannot little, a bit less you raise grass of bad copper cash

Last kinds of circumstance is your fertilization undeserved be caused by, if the long manure that goes using azotic element to him is supplementary, azotic element excessive can bring about its lamina those who grow is exceedingly much. The bine is dry also grow exceedingly longly, but lack other elements for long, for instance potassium element, for instance other microelement. The hardness that after was being lacked, its bine does was done not have, the lamina that grows erect sex is poor. Cause him to grow so that walked unsteadily so. Raising copper cash grass to use the fertilizer of azotic element is pretty good, but the multi-element that we go to choosing azotic element to give priority to mixes, the content that is azotic element is highest, other elements are short of break, can let it grow a root to be able to grow blade again already, it is blade only long rate will be rapid, and grow thickly, cauline doing is brawny also. About the problem of fertilization, small Qi Ye has said how many times, do not use onefold fertilizer to the plant as far as possible, use for long can bring about it to appear grow bad situation.

What copper cash grass grows is bad, this at 3 o'clock cannot little, a bit less you raise grass of bad copper cash

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