Why didn't the cat run rampant in China?

The thank is invited about. This problem has depth very much, if have bias a little,can answer because of the person of the answer slant. So, this view that this is my him individual. Why to run rampant to because be in China,do not live merely just. Go up actually, no matter the city still is rustic town, very much still roam about of the cat. Just feline nature is animal of nocturnal travel sex, night also is for all right better sweep past feed. So, very much personage love a cat is nightly come out to nod feed to roam about surely of feline dog.

In our city, although existence is very much,roam about cat, have everyday a large number of by abandon, but also have everyday a large number of by starved to death perhaps catch kill. In the city outcast it is the feline Mi that the family raises commonly, was used to a circle to raise. Where day was abandoned to go out by host, face new environment viability strong eat hutch rubbish may eat to survive in rubbish dump. Say the cat can have sweep past feed ability to catch mice to perhaps take other herbivorous animal, but mice and other animal are less and less also good. Viability is so bad, estimation also is met starved to death touch last winters again, also meet by cold dead, especially the winter that northward meeting snows. And, modern is raised bestow favor on pay attention to science to raise this meeting to do feline dog sterilization more and more, so I see occasionally a few roam about fair cat is already of sterilization. So such living environment, feline Mi wants breed to also compare difficulty.

Additional, the meal that has a cat is used to also be existence. In fact, still exist to grab a cat secretly really dog and catch catch roam about feline dog, next on table of final strike out delicate.

The nocturnal cat that Australia hears of before is flush, because,that is because Australian zoology food chain is complete, nocturnal cat is OK vulturine herbivore is too much. Japan has a feline island many cat Mi is flush get governmental attention, because Japanese loves a cat,that also is, everyday the person of in an endless stream goes feeding a cat on the island, raise feline Mi for nothing fat fat. And, we are different.

So, this is the reason that I think feline Mi is in China to did not run rampant, this is my view. Like to be able to nod assist. Thank

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