Will reduce weight with skip, the effect how?

Skip effect reducing weight is apparent, but the person with great weight had better not try, knee and meeting following tendon very get hurt.

Skip is one is opposite heart lungs, decrease the movement with fat, endurance, particularly favorable balance, but any motion should master a method, note get twice the result with half the effort of athletic item ability.

Prepare before ⒈ skip

Change a pair of easy comfortable resilient and the sneaker with softer a copy kept as a record, with a suit comfortable, incompact body also does not cross Yu Kuansong's dress.

⒉ warm up must reach the designated position

Even if is weight not quite, skip still is bigger to the concussion of knee joint, so before skip must sufficient warm up, lest cause needless loss.

⒊ begins skip to want successive

Novice skip does not want to act too hastily, the target also is not ordered too big. Any motion should follow the principle of successive, give the body accommodative chance.

OK at the beginning 50 a group, jump 5 groups more perhaps (according to him physical strength travel) . Across block rests one minute, sitting to rest, had better undertake drawing. Heart lungs function increases number by force to measure 100 again, 150... successive!

⒋ skip ends

After motion is over, do not sit down immediately rest, sufficient drawing can alleviate the following day muscle ache. Also can make muscle line more good-looking.

Finally, motion having oxygen does not want long onefold training, enter platform period easily, had better wear alternately with other training undertake.

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