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The function that basically is a mobile phone is more and more powerful, the demand besides office is other perhaps and professional besides the personage's demand, the mobile phone can supersede the function of many computer.
In the meantime, the rate that the mobile phone replaces is rapidder, the durable sex of computer is a bit stronger. Formed so aux would rather buy a mobile phone, very long replace computer.
Global PC glidesOccupy what Gartner of market survey orgnaization released a few days ago to forecast a report, global PC sales volume was 263 million about 2017. This has been global PC sales volume glides the 6th year continuously, and 262.5 million shipment volume is returned not as good as IPhone releases 2007, in those days volume of global PC shipment still has 273 million.
There is a bit this year special, having a main reason is the reason that individual PC rises as a result of component cost, push tall the price of the product, and this is hit somewhat to the enthusiasm of consumer. The closest period of time, the component such as face plate of hard disk of DRAM, solid state, LCD as a result of a few issues that supply an element and give present price case to rise, and a few manufacturers are direct cost rise impute to consumer.
Inspire confidence in sb of nimble of German market research organization triumphant 24 days of reports that publish show, 2017, global smartphone sale grows 3 % , amount to 14. 600 million; Sale grows 9 % , amount to 478.7 billion dollar.
2016, phil Schiller says: "Before Internet, before gregarious media comes, before App Store comes, windows PC had existed. Here has a very astonishing data, the age exceeds Windows PC of 5 years to there still are many 600 million now. The age exceeds Windows PC of 5 years to there still are many 600 million now..
This is visible, the durable sex of PC is very tall.
The function of the mobile phone is more and more powerful at the same time. The time that everybody uses a mobile phone to have recreation, study is increasing also, even the office capability of the mobile phone is stronger and stronger also. The sales volume that caused computer so drops.
But, perhaps need the person that handles official bussiness to computer in professional personage, still cannot leave computer. This maintains computer market to have the reason of good sales volume all the time namely.