Who has grace of admire of actual strength antagonism in 5 shadows?

Da of bud of a bud is small curtilage base transient.

5 shadows are very much acting, do not know a problem advocate which generation is those who say?

Resembling is shadow of shadow of 3 acting thunder, 2 acting earth such part, destroy likely probably Payne, the shadow prevents 3 era thunder high to be attacked high, body of concealed of shadow of 2 acting earth imperceptibility, leng Buding comes escape did not permit a this world can procurable.

But if be the key link that with Yu Zhibo spot fights hand this is acting the word of 5 shadows, be afraid unmanned can enemy cross Payne.

The hand need not say program, the word of the Guo Peien that can hit also need not make cry the person came back.

Big wild wood old fogey of a flooey, although dirt escape is fierce, but insufficient flesh, do not have a thing to still show a small of the back of what, awkward.

Shadow of 4 acting thunder hit an accipitral maniple to lose an arm, the favour that hit admire may abandon 3 two, destroy completely unlikely.

Although the dark that illuminate the United States has delimitation of two blood afterwards, but do not cover an area of benefit in open space, and itself rate is not high, and crackling, rabbi sheet carries Payne bad to rectify.

My love Luo Ye is about the same finally, although compare water shadow much each to use defence, output is a bit higher also, but speed is hard injury.

Still give cry person, someone else does not denounce its disgrace oneself.

Above comes from namely small curtilage base justice is solved, about it is OK to change the subject that overflow the inquiry is small curtilage base oh, as mix mark 2 dimension are old, curtilage corrupt bud is slow-witted corrupt what each attribute has a good command of is small curtilage base the nonsense with won't priggish ability, hey hey hey hey ~~ Da!

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