How look upon the Beijida of the 7 pride in Long Zhu?

It is here everyday active Yun Mo, greeting attention spits groove.


Beijida's pride comes from the endowment at oneself and position, this is both gave Beijida extremely conceited actual strength and proud attributive sense, "Contest inferior the person is princely " the title can not be Chinese cabbage, there is very heavy deal in heart of shellfish auspicious tower.

Beijida's pride also is reflected in him emulative with self-respect, he does not allow himself to be defeated by others. The result that gives Kakaluote this coarse and elementary soldier to be defeated feels very disgrace and unwilling, and still by forgive life, beijida suffers this stimulation to repair refine desperately, to Ko Fulisa still wants eternal life later.


While Beijida is proud, expand from confidence again became conceit, there often is those who distain to sneer on the face, feel very comical to dare challenging his Kakaluote.

When shellfish auspicious tower minatory Cline atttacks him next by bring back to life when, fighting capacity promotes substantially, when facing Fulisa, ever was opposite of oneself force increase excessive expand, think oneself became super game inferior the person can have defeated Fulisa.

Sha Lu is germinant later, mortify changes the body is super contest inferior think oneself surmounted Kakaluote after the person, clamour is worn should beat man-made person, the result defeated 19 force is the weakest only, be worn to hit by 17 18 date pressing.

After coming out from mental time room next, faced sanded Lu Erjie to show the conceit of excessive, although can grind the Lu Erjie that press sand, but however indulge Sha Lu absorbs 18, be wanted finally complete system Sha Lu is ground pressure, regretful.

Underestimate the enemy

From most begin, beijida has the trouble of underestimate the enemy. Face a second to kill that cling to the look that the Kakaluote that shows breathtaking strength still takes one pair to block Kaluote surely, be pulled finally for nothing by Sun Wu because of carelessness of underestimate the enemy internecine.

Face sanded Lu Erjie and man-made person 17 18 same also, maintain oneself to had become super game inferior person with respect to the world inapproachable, cruel after sanded Lu Erjie the extremely arrogant with respect to aggressive, carelessness of underestimate the enemy adds conceit, sha Lu turns entire into the culprit is Beijida.


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