The world of Guilin landscape armour, what is the experience that says you go to Guilin?

From on the century goes to Guilin amuse oneself for the first time at the beginning of 80 time, already had gone to Guilin 4 times up to now, can say to play the tourist attraction of size of hill landscape water of Guilin, talk about experience. The hour often listens the person says " the world of Guilin landscape armour, " of Guilin of armour of landscape of in relief new moon, guilin is me one of places that this gives birth to to go surely. Go to Guilin for the first time impression is extremely good, picturesque scenery tourist is not much, multiplying row Li river is the proboscis inside city go aboard near hill, in those days how has not been Yang Shuo developed, also do not have tourist is like now knit on the west the tourist attraction such as the street, the boat turned around to the front of 9 horses draw hill return Guilin the tourist attraction inside ~ city basically is a few cave, protection is very good entrance ticket is not expensive also, there are a lot of cafeterias inside city so-called " the " of the water middle reaches that the underground that the sky flies to climbs has sell, delicious not expensive let National People's Congress open horizon. In those days foreign leader visits China, guilin is to need You Jing nodded one of ~ to go a few times again in succession later, be in more technically before a few years the market stayed Yang Shuo a few days on the west, blatant and lively left deep impression ~ to me now the scene besides two sides of river of Yang Shuo edge as before outside, guilin gives my impression worse and worse, town planning extreme difference, be without characteristic but character, all tourist attractions receive entrance ticket and expensive fearsome, the impression that gives me is good tourist attraction of good hill good water, it is strong tourist of randommer and randommer worse and worse less and less disappoint the expectation ~ of people

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