Honorable 10 (6 + 64) He Rongyao V10 (6 + 64) it is 2499 yuan, how should choose? Why?

The thank invites, I first for say respective configuration, honorable 10 those who embark is kylin the processor of 970, the screen volume of 5.84. Of 6+64 is 2599 yuan, buy is 24 million postposition resembling element before be 24 million + of 16 million resemble element, contain AI beauty colour, person face identifies a function, buy dactylogram solves a lock before, processor of GPU Turbo game, play rise province report, use on the setting become angry vitreous airframe, the n of 3400 milliampere, have fill a function quickly, still be a can mobile public transportation card. Appeared on the market 18 years in April.

Say honorable V10 again, it is kylin likewise the processor of 970, but resembling element is distinguishing this is 20 million postposition mix like element 13 million like element, do not have harm without contrast, if see retake illuminate, former it is best choice. It is n next it is 3750 milliampere, than former bide one's time time is long, and also not be very good-looking on the exterior, releasing time is 17 years October

The place on put together is narrated, honorable 10 be V10 upgrade edition, no matter be,still optimize from function going up is half of race to control first machine. Be the same as equal in value case so, it is honorable that I suggest 10

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