Psychologist: These 8 words when comforting a person cannot say, do you step on thunder?

When the person beside you, especially your friend or spouse are immersed in mood trough, when psychology feels sadness is depressed, how can you comfort him? Psychologist discovery, major person does not know to comfort a person what to should say, often still be just the opposite to what one wished even.

When psychologist summed up 8 to comfort a person, often say, but word of complete however otiose. See you also had stepped on same thunder?

Psychologist: These 8 words when comforting a person cannot say, do you step on thunder?

1, " you should cheer up! 1, " you should cheer up!!

Request, your display vigour looks to me. Be immersed in psychological mood trough, it is to spend depressed person gently even, the mood that method does not have to control him psychology below most circumstance flows, they are likely meal of not feel like eating, sleep to be not worn become aware, what to do to do not have a meaning, they also want to cheer up, do not do really however. You say to be able to let them feel more flimsy and helpless only so.

2, " more than your miserable person move. 2, " more than your miserable person move..

Than miserable this kind of thing does not have any helps really. Psychological dismay breaks what falling person needs is your support, if do not know what to should say, keep silence, but do not take others to undertake comparative with him, this can let him feel this anguish is despised only, stop possibly to continue to pour out with you.

3, " life is endure hardships originally. 3, " life is endure hardships originally..

This word will be aggravating of your friend depressed, is not to help them. Their itself psychology has been in negative position, you so say to be equivalent to one disaster after another, abet their pessimism.

4, " you must learn to suit, cannot always such ah. Cannot always such ah..

This word can let psychology of the other side and you produce distance move, it seems that you should abandon him to disregard, invite all problems his person is carried, then psychology more feel alone with sadness.

Psychologist: These 8 words when comforting a person cannot say, do you step on thunder?

5, " you are too sensitive! 5, " you are too sensitive!!

If you so say, be equivalent to him at the moment mood and depressed mentation end are individual problem. You resemble is to censuring him: This kind of circumstance and outside ambient have nothing to do now, it is the disposition blemish because of you.

6, " you should know to be thankful. 6, " you should know to be thankful..

Do not talk with depressed person be thankful. What they worry at the moment is this kind of anguish, sadness will last forever won't pare, compared with let them appreciate what have now, be inferior to telling them anguish is temporary only, all metropolises became good, fasten anxious.

7, " you are so firm, those who be no problem. Those who be no problem..

The psychology inside some people is enough and powerful perhaps, can overcome the sadness of short time and discomfort, but face exceeding anguish and depressed when, without the person can easily go. .

8, " you can call to me. 8, " you can call to me..

Mostly depressed person feels what to do to do not have motivation, more do not carry called actively to you. If be true friend, ask you to phone him actively, make him only responsible pour out can get easily much.

Psychologist: These 8 words when comforting a person cannot say, do you step on thunder?

These cannot be done above, so what can you do? Might as well try these a few way:

Tell him everything the metropolis became good, maintain patience to must not urge; When knowing what to should say, it is good to keep silence and be listened attentively to; Contact actively, let him know somebody cares his state;
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