About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Talk Over

Discuss adequately, discuss

She Has To Talk It Over With Her Husband First.

She must discuss with her husband first.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Wrestle With

Make do with all one's strength, try to solve

The Student Has Been Wrestling With The Difficult Problems For 2 Hours.

Two hours are in this student all the time try to solve these difficult problem.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Run Up Against

Experience (difficult, trouble)

I Have Never Run Up Against Any Difficulty Like This.

I never had encountered such difficulty.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Think Through

Serious consideration; Want to appear

I Don ' T Think She Has Thought The Matter Through.

I think she has not considered this issue to be clear about.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Sort Out

Solve, untangle, clear

If You Give Me More Time, I Might Sort This Out.

If you give me dot time again, I may solve this problem.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Work Out

Solve; Find (solve method to wait)

I ' M Sure That We Can Work Out The Problem.

I believe we can solve this problem.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Run Into

Experience (difficult) ; Encounter (troublesome)

The Projects Have Quickly Run Into Problems.

These projects encountered a problem very quickly.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Deal With

Processing, arrangement

He ' S Not Good At Dealing With These Matters.

He is not good at handling these issues.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

Take Care Of

Deal with, processing

Please Wait A Moment. I ' Ll Ask My Manager To Take Care Of It.

Wait a bit please. I can ask my manager to handle.

About handling the English phrase of the problem: Talk Over; Run Into; Work Out

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