Does to the cat meeting eating the meat eat a fatty liver?

Because do not take food,feline fatty liver is, make liver brings adipose cell into play, decompose adipose maintain quantity of heat to bring about adipose 3 fat enter liver cell to cause.

So feline Mi maintains high protein so that fatty liver needs instead to take food, make the biliary deposit state of deadly sex is able to improve, hepatic job gradually normal, eat so won't eat come out fatty liver, hunger is meeting hunger comes out.

Feline Mi is carnivorous sex animal originally, amylaceous kind instead won't by very good absorb, do not have method to provide nutrient material, can take gut only, eat the flesh to suit feline Mi very much so.

Remember giving feline Mi run out of grain, change grain to also want successive, avoid fright to wait should stimulate response. The feline Mi health that wishs you grows oh ~

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