The thing that says a boy to you. A schoolboy, fat breathe out breathe out, stature is quite tall, from arrive 4 grade, learn the frequenter of buffet of school gate mouth everyday, be late, ring is not noisy he does not take a class, fight criticism is answered time have him, often be made a noise by the teacher, the parent also is in charge of, every semester has the opportunity that comes home to wake instead a few times. With respect to this, person every time final is 97 minutes, 97.5 minutes, 98.5 minutes, must say the person is inherent clever, instead the child exam that those are being forced the class coachs on study everyday by the parent is not ideal (of course the except with person good study) . My son is that unfavorable
Because a child of 8 years old writes a composition to was not finished, be punished two days to cop
未经允许不得转载:Question » Because a child of 8 years old writes a composition to was not finished, be punished two days to cop
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