To prevent inflation, house, gold, stock, put a bank, which channel can you choose to keep a cost?

In at present big environment of China falls, to prevent inflation, what kind of investment do we do to you just can protect our money? Buy a house? Precious metal? Stock? Still put a bank?

If you had seen the answer before me, do not give expect or 4 words:

Above is completely wrong.

Monetary measure

Inflation of monetary measure = GDP + + amend

This is very important, but you need to remember only, annual inflation 14% , this one basic common sense is OK.

Put a bank

Hypothesis has 100 yuan in your hand, put in the conduct financial transactions in the bank. After a year, the bank gave you 105 yuan. So how much is your redound?

For certain a lot of people can jump out to scold me to wise and farsighted, still use only ask? It is 5 yuan of money, 5% .

Then I ask you, the redound that you are taking 5 yuan of money is right, so is your capital still in be absent? A lot of people can say " in " , 100 yuan still are being put in the bank.

Actually, 100 yuan your already be dead. 100 yuan in the bank, not be any more 100 yuan a year ago.

100 yuan of today's, before cannot buying a year the rice of as much, oil plants, dish, the flesh kind and artificial salary.

Get 5 yuan of money as us " accrual " when, our capital is elapsing rapidly, if you are serious,computation invests redound, come one this year basic it is negative.

Lose and game

In investing the market, general component is " mixing game " " 0 with game " and " lose and game " .

On the market, a lot of is lose with game.

For instance futures, lottery, the stock also calculates actually lose and.

Say simply, collect the money of participator together namely. Single out from which next one therein the favorite of large award.

With at present the stock market looks, calculate you to pick pair of stocks, also basically be " 0 with game " , most stock runs not to win remaining sum treasure even. Will look at present only Tecent can run win inflation.

Precious metal

The precious metal progress as science and technology, make yield rises quickly.

Now, the whole world the gold output of 80% , be when digging copper mine, dust kind gold dollar element is sucked. Then crop soars, cost drops.

But, truly deadly is, the mankind to gold love. Possible meeting decreases gradually, and turn to the other and rare mineral resources such as other similar diamond.

The risk with so real precious metal, it is the change of global consumer taste.

House property

In all asset, estate is opposite for quite " mixing " .

House itself, get not quite easily of inflation erode. And land does not get inflation completely.

Although house property has depreciation, but relatively slow. About annual 1% .

Land won't depreciation. But land is very hard buying and selling.

But estate its itself, remain existence to have a risk. Firstly more significant risk, be " market center " move.

So hold house property, remain those who have a risk. The changeover of a sector of an area, 6 government ancient capital turns second line into the city. Population, science and technology, commerce, commerce, the change of each centre of gravity, it is tremendous crisis.

Accumulate wealth

You nod this answer, looked at me to talk nonsense, finally is each however faulty.

So, what is the answer?

Below present big environment, accumulate debt far more important than accumulating wealth, throw debt in the play that mixing relatively, what we should bet is

Inflation - > of debt interest rate 5%

So you just can run win inflation.

But inflationary abb is not you think pull up can of pull up.

Real money

Big industry times, without any same goods, can lean rare be short of and forestall subsist.

Can let fortune exclusively maintain value rise in value, it is your wisdom, what still have you is laborious.

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