People net is open and critically " apotheosis historical novel " : Do not change chaos should inn

The apotheosis historical novel with farfetched what, I saw a few market, the content inside and rubbish are about the same, yuan only then day honour is browbeaten by a monster, before one yuan only then old hind yuan only then old, completely screwy 3 quiet wise men's clinking authority, the sage is mixed even a monster talk about a condition, it is rubbish simply. Jiang Zi tooth every day catnap, although celestial being predestined relationship is not deep, but the person that is long celestial being, bone of air channel of a bit celestial being is done not have, dare not imagine old men of such a flooey can lead troops cut down name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant, it is rubbish. Still have that Da oneself unexpectedly He Yangjian with sibling proportional, still love each other elope, the what that change destroys the plot of a play, the rubbish in rubbish. Already 20 many 30 collect return respecting apotheosis gut, still be in Gong Dou is performed to make fun of in palace. Playwrite head paralysis, direct cerebral damage, authentic destroy 3 concept, apotheosis historical novel around is apotheosis not be Gong Dou, the what broken Jb that pat plays meaning, admire this playwrite to dare be made up really, this director dare be patted, this investment business dare be cast, I was not aimed at an actor, the actor also is to do not have method, I see this drama go to Zou Zhaolong namely, did not think this drama pats this rubbish.

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