World ping contest is Sino-Japanese it is to decisive battle accomplishment 0 get the better of 8 ne

The thank invites " bully net " do answer

Bilateral fight hand to hand 8, but everybody can notice, unexpectedly a 4:0Do not have. This difference that so Japanese coach says is bigger, I am not very agree. What I see still is the day this team of an active enterprising, one is in the Japan that one prepares to bite you under your bed at any time team.

This world ping surpasses us to be able to achieve right result, I think or mix wisdom of an anticipatory actin and, Yi Teng is beautiful sincere be fallen into disuse prematurely to concern, can not explain directly Sino-Japanese far apart, assist cane pupil and Wang Manyu the 5th bureau can be 8:4Banner, dan Yuxiao hopes to also force Liang Jing to bureau of decide the issue of the battle, this is very slight difference. We still must continue hard, do not want be pleased with oneself.

Do not know how everybody looks to this problem, agree with the assist asking a dot of my viewpoint, what do not agree is OK subjacent comment, speak your think of a way.

Your dot assist and attention, the greatest power that is our advancement oh ~

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