Northward and fresh longan is very few, but longan doing is OK very convenient buy. The longan in my home works ceaseless all the time, be being bought every time actually is to prepare to boil congee to drink, but there is a love in the home,eat ate when dried fruit. The longan congee that boil is first-rate really, it contains a variety of nutrition material, have enrich the blood calm the nerves, beneficial of be good at head wisdom, the effect with lienal heart of take a tonic to build up health, the congee that boil can release energy well, suit edible of woman of the turn of life especially, because woman the turn of life is the phase that is good hair of tumour of department of gynaecology, of cancer cell of palace of longan two pairs restrain rate more than 90% , eat some of longan appropriately very beneficial. Red jujube also is optimal and nourishing food of the female; And ormosia has clear heat to go detoxify of wet, detumescence, enrich the blood the effect that calm the nerves, these are nourishing feeding material to put the ability that boil together is to fill really on add fill. I boiled congee of millet of longan red jujube today, added ormosia and mung bean, because had entered winter, the congee that boil uses the millet with lukewarm sex as far as possible, millet to the whole family it is nourishing good feed capable person. Millet to the whole family it is nourishing good feed capable person..
With expect advocate makings, data has had. Gram wants a bit less, ormosia half bowls small
Millet and ormosia, gram, red jujube is washed clean together
Longan flay, with longan flesh
All feeding material puts skillet, after putting the water quantity of 4 times to be boiled, small fire boils 40 minutes or so can
Cook sweet alcohol of good congee soft glutinous
When eating, mix brown sugar
Gram can fill the gas that enrage beneficial, raise the immune force, detoxify that discharge poison, but gram sex is cool, should put less so a bit.