State above all a bit, what Cao Yuan discovers is not phenomenon of normal temperature superconduction, explain additionally, if who discovered phenomenon of normal temperature superconduction now, so he can get Nobel physics certainly award.
The thing that this was last year originally, do not know from when to rise to be fried to rise again, cao Yuan is a Chinese, he what was born 1996 is saving grain industry to assiduously study a doctor's degree in hemp now, he discovered period of time before phenomenon of special superconduction of black lead Xi, and the identity with the first author is in the world top class science published two papers on periodical Nature, can saying is fame big brace up.
Superconductive phenomenon all the time since the scientist is happy to consider, if a conductor realized superconduction, so mean when transmitting electricity with this conductor, won't give out heat, won't cause energy loss namely, this to scientific group the sense is great, if normal temperature superconduction can come true, so mean the world to be able to save much electric energy every year, if transmit the material of n to be able to use superconductor, can waste the sources of energy so reduce lowest.
But superconductor has a very special place, that is it has firm demand to temperature, a few material can be in only 0 when issueing 269 Celsius, ability becomes superconductor, but using these data is very costly, complete disagreement is real. In Cao Yuan's research, he discovers black lead Xi makes superconductor likely also, but the temperature that the place with his great discovery does not depend on superconduction of black lead Xi, however the method that he uses gave other scientist a brand-new train of thought.
Scientific group studies superconductive phenomenon has had 100 at year time, 1911, a scientist discovers Holand, with mercury of liquid nitrogen refrigeration, drop when mercuric temperature 4.2k when, mercuric resistor disappears completely, this is those who pulled open superconductive data research is prelusive. The scientist returns discovery later, if condition of high pressure of will mercuric park falls, its are critical temperature will achieve the 164k that makes a person fab, still be for superconduction of these distance normal temperature however too far, normal temperature is 20-30 Celsius generally speaking, namely 300k left and right sides, the research that sees superconductive phenomenon still has very long way to want.