Acknowledgment invites, face Azrael pupil how to accomplished existent problem cluck Da to had replied a lot of, but have new imagination every time. Actually every time Azrael pupil won't commit murder, but every time the position that the murderer can appear in Ke Na be in, the view that next cluck him Da say below:
You can gain the status that does not think your menace Ke Na says you know him protection! Concern besides He Kena in fact besides very deep person the person that all knowing that Ke Na is portion of new a suit basically handy, must not mention south Heke so new the problem of one, otherwise you are in namely look for trouble!
2. is used all over skill goes garden of bubble bell woodKnow why? As small orchid bosom friend, the garden is in the position in Ke Na is very high, and one of acting detective people that the garden also is Ke Na, the key is the economic actual strength in garden home too strong, do well with the garden so the relation is effect is the biggest absolutely.
3. does bit of thief before Ke Na's face small the thing that feel forces he calls the policeAzrael pupil and reduce the impact that be born always is mutual depend on sb or sth for existence, if still feel to fear to be done before Ke Na's face finally,order the small case of pilfer, strive for Rangkena to call the police will catch you, the time that boxes up because of pilfer put in prison anyway won't be long, but can sheer Azrael aureola so.
4. goes accompanying gross profit small 5 man drinkItself of gross profit uncle compares nerve is big, look for some of reason to drink to be installed next with gross profit uncle so malty, strive for and gross profit uncle is together all the time, the farther-in-law gross profit that regards Ke Na as future anyway is small 5 man won't have what risk for certain, also can raise survival rate.
If be no good really with respect to the who strikes first prevails, solve Ke Na to look next can be come out by inference, inference comes out alarming it is lifelong jail unapt dead, inference does not come out to be able to be at large and still can do a good work for everybody!