Is human oosperm how development is become fetal?

The mankind is a magical biology really, from only an oosperm, development is fetal, also used 8 weeks of short time, everybody affirms curiosity these 8 weeks are medium, what did darling experience. It is simply epic big play.

In a passion 4 shoot in the evening, spermatozoon elder brother was united in wedlock with ovum little sister, accomplished the beginning of a life, oosperm from this and come.

Next the egg side this oosperm is cracked, the edge is driven out inside palace antrum, be rejected by the earth over there when development is terminal embryo bubble the bag is buried, also making a bed, the common drop that explain settled namely. The darling after settling, can release HCG to enter blood, begin treasure Mom to be able to measure a HCG right now namely.

Slowly darling has a gastrula slowly grow an embryo, appear heartbeat, to pregnant 8 weeks when, the heart of darling is formed, this is the hour of epic class. By the object of an insect appearance, change is the rudiment of one individual body.

Became later again fetal, fetal those who point to is the 8 weeks darling after be fertilized, namely 11 weeks of the following darling are called fetal. Right now darling all sorts of organs already all split up end. The most classical is pregnant the appearance of 12 weeks of Shi Baobao, already preliminary form external genital organs.

Summary, nature is so magical, can be in 8 short weeks namely inside, the oosperm decay that makes small is small lovely. Wish good pregnant.

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