Why to raise meaty meeting addiction?

Reason: 1 like meaty and lovely, colour diverse about.

The 2 processes that enjoy this change.

This is me is meaty arrive from January the change June. I bought a lot of lamina from the net last year, take them into step by step now this about. In the process, some be killed in battle, some growth good, blossom the look that I want. And this process raises meaty fun to be in namely.

I do not like what hypostatic perhaps inn buys big canopy to had given state is meaty, like to raise Xiaomiao or the leaf is inserted, oneself match a basin to dose land.

Carry picture record, discover it is grown every time, explode lateral bud, pass oneself effort, give state gradually. Perhaps become meaty give an issue, I can examine a data, let it restore gradually. And this process can let me explore uncharted territory, acquire knowledge and ego is contented.

These are the matters that I raise meaty addiction.

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