This problem is bad to reply, the ability when be being used this year because of the bottle that bought last year discovers a problem, I am thinking you at that time since be willing to part with or use " high price " buy a square bottle, do you discover a problem at that time? ! At that time if discover a problem, sell the home to should be changed with you, if how didn't yourself notice kettle itself at that time, that very it's hard to say! Because after all time passed so long. . .
Each juncture has this kind of crack how may this be him knock, especially square crock, of knock so coincidence? ! Even if be round crock,be problem of charge for the making of sth. only! Without other reason! Because be born,a crack can be checked before the crock doing of base is burned fully! Foster cordial relations between states possibly also at that time! But the fire that wants a course the first times only, did not discover crack, that is met scarcely next amiss! Crack is green compact when with respect to some, saying simply is problem of charge for the making of sth. ! Do manual work is bad, can have crack! Said again, you this is violet mud, opposite for systole is not big, appear not easily of the bottle that can split! Except of bright red mud! Because Zhu Ni is the easiest be out of order!
The violet arenaceous crock of green compact will be contractive, must build crock at any time when systole and crock body is moved, move everyday move burst apart not easily so, this becomes crock master worker only most understand! As to you this is planted problem, it is green compact likely very when with respect to some problems! As to burn crock, the first won't appear sure problem! At least I burn crock is such!
Appear this kind of problem is bad to solve, so specific that see the attitude that sells the home! Some sell the home volubility, of a little bad conversation! The bottle that bought last year after all! But the crack that I tell you to this is square crock, and it is mud piece joining together place is cracked, very large possibility is problem of charge for the making of sth. ! Can change best! Specific look sell the home! Still mix sell the home to be communicated more talk things over settle this matter! Agree to change best! (So I grant crock a friendly bottle, cap knock dropped a point, it is the problem of myself, I sent a new pot to give him directly, bad also give him, he still is held out those who feel embarrassed, the problem that I say to doing not have a thing is me is about myself is assumed! The result made a friend! The result made a friend!!