The word of the common disease of doggie dog, basically be to have
- Gastroenteritis, gastroenteritis is the inflammation that gastric bowel, include stomach and bowel. It is by the bacterium, virus, helminth is affected or cause to medicaments or new alimental reaction. Vomit, diarrhoea, be addicted to sleeps, anorexia, dehydration and bellyacke are the main symptom of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis shows the illness is more serious possibly also, so if doggie occurrence symptom, going watching vet instantly is very important. Uric road is affected, urethral infection is in secrete the dog that about 14 % affect in one of giving birth to. Although still undertaking the likelihood in the doggie of an example detects harder, but well-trained before UTI doggie may begin to produce an accident in the house, perhaps ask to go out often undertake the bathroom rests. Blood or muddy uric fluid, lick mix all round genital the symptom that having a fever is uric road infection. The fresh water that ensures your dog is drinkable and enough, keep orderly in his genital area, encourage frequent bed pan to rest will conduce to the chance that reduces uric road infection. Allergic, allergy is the response of system of human body immunity to foreign material, can cause the skin normally scratchy and snorty. Vet can have check-up and allergic test, cause allergic cause in order to help certainly. Pet host can be offerred relieve their scratchy doggie to have a few natural treatment. The main reason of dog allergy is flea, food and environmental allergen. Dermatitis, dermatitis is sex of a kind of inflammation chronic dermatosis, concern with allergy normally. The allergen that allergic reaction brings in the environment, be like grass or house dirt, may bring about a doggie to begin excessive scratch catch, chafe or lick his skin. The commonnest area that suffers an effect is the ear of the doggie, ankle, muzzle, inguinal, mix between the eye between toe. 3 months that the symptom of dog dog dermatitis appears normally come 6 years old. Below severe case, vet may leave to medicaments will control Sao to itch and maintain dog dog more comfortable. Pet host can be used stop urticant shampoo will help alleviate Sao is urticant. Colonitis, colonitis is often be most by should stimulate, infection, contaminative food, expose the inflammation that absorbs the environmental large intestine that causes moisture or colon chronically, or inflammation sex bowel is ill. Inflammation is brought about bibulous decrease to store in colon with the body the ability of excrement and urine is reduced. The puppy that has colonitis may appear diarrhoea, het-up or excrement and urine is medium during defecate appear vermeil blood. The vet of the doggie will undertake excrement and urine examine together with blood test, whether be the symptom of the pathogeny of colonitis in order to decide. Through limitation food undertakes cure begins a doggie with low fiber food and drink before colonitis. According to the serious degree of the case, the vet of the doggie also may prescribe antibacterial content.