Beijing east CEO Liu Jiang east the gender is invaded case, discussion upsurge was lifted on the net, a lot of people say is Liu Jiang apparently east encountered " celestial being jumps " , also someone says is " the price " did not talk about approach, phonic also sound says is the woman it is really was invaded by the gender, even if in the last moment, short of agrees through the woman, belong to a rape. So about forcible rape be commonly how maintain? Liu Jiang east whether be suspected of crime?
Of forcible rape form important document to include at least:
It is right the woman used violent, threatening other perhaps method. Violent, threatening method does not need to explain, what is so other measure? Other measure is with violent, threatening have likewise mandatory medium, rape behavior is carried out to wait a moment after rape behavior is being executed to perhaps use medicaments anaesthesia after fuddle for instance;
2 it is the real intention that violated a woman. Whether is cognizance woman in real intention, need a whole case casuse and effect reentry judges anatomize all right, cut cannot undertake judging because of the woman's ferial style and the dress at that time (part " female disease of be disgusted with " patient, once produced this kind of malign event, can go up in female body only seek an account) .
Minnesota of 1. United States bright the police station announced Niabolisi Liu Jiang east of the case " all evidence " , included the monitoring video that the woman and man reach a room from the hotel together at that time, what show in video is from meal bureau the end reachs hotel room, the woman all has pulling Liu Jiang actively east the act of the arm, from the point of this, maintain Liu Jiang very hard east follow-up behavior was to violate its real intention, even if after arriving really on the bed, the woman rejects to produce sexual behavior, the man forced the woman to undertake to its " the gender is invaded " , so the woman also is to belong to " from defect risk " , the happening that invades to the gender also has due responsibility, and whether violate its really real intention, integrated in light of all evidence, it is very difficult actually maintain violated its real intention.
2. evidence indication woman and Liu Jiang east after producing sexual relationship, did not escape instantly, slept soundly several hours jointly with its instead, and state without bruise its got on the body Liu Jiang east force, cause its to cannot escape. Maintain the real intention that produced sexual behavior to violate the woman very hard also by this.
Taking one with another, woman charge Liu is strong east the fact that the gender invades can be not approbated possibly by the court, liu Jiang east instead may accuse its bring a false charge against sb. This case no matter the result if, the process always lets a person sob. Liu strong Dong Mingming is married already Yo still touchs a flower to offend grass outside, it is apparent not faithful to marriage show, do not know how little sister of tea with milk can face this issue, it is to choose to excuse or choose to leave, everything is unknown.
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