The outfit in the home 10 years ago crosses the electric water heater of sea Er, although install a master to say this water heater takes function of the wall that defend report, but I still feel to not be at ease, let a master install a sky to leave designedly take protector of leakage of electricity, cut off electrical wiring outlet again receive leave for nothing on, still not be at ease with respect to that, family must be explained to disconnect report when bathing. A few this years media often reports the somebody when bathing gets an electric shock dying news, I feel to put an end to leakage of electricity of electric water heater to had done the following respects to go.
1, buy water heater of old brand report. Be like the United States, sea Er, these brands passed excellent design and strict routine inspection test, used data is very strong also, professional installation, should use correctly only won't produce accident of leakage of electricity commonly.
2, must receive when installation have reliable ground wire. This is a kind of goes easily the simpliest method in installation program, eligible electric water heater can stay in marked place have ground wire interface, remind installation personnel joins, in case residual current can handle ground connection from now on, ensure personnel is safe.
3, change power source outlet into leakage of electricity to protect plug. Once produce leakage of electricity, this outlet can be in for a short while key-press bounces quickly disconnect electric current, can saying is simple and efficient prevent god of leakage of electricity implement.
4, ask strictly to clean interior of electric water heater regularly according to the manual, prevent scale to cause heating element puncture to cause leakage of electricity too much.
5, installation leaves for nothing and protector of leakage of electricity, although have bit of trouble, but the moment of truth can help.
6, the simplest way, unplug plug or pull next sky to open switch. Can feel a bit troublesome sometimes, but what don't this calculate really than rising with precious life.