Acknowledgment invites!
Simple explanation issues computational platform, computational platform is the design that shows the systematic hardware of the computer combines software and development normally, pass certain standard sex and open sex, run the several processing that occupy. The hardware of computational platform is to point to Cpu. Software is to point to an operating system. Provide data computation, network and memory capability through both union.
China those who be store sale is intelligent computation Atlas 200 AI quickens module and developer to cover. In October 2018, china be based on to was released on complete connection congress China for Ascend ( is vacated) and Atlas of platform of different form calculation. The purpose is to offer AI of Hua Weiquan inn solution. vacates the union of computational component photograph of AI processor and mainstream different compose, enclose into the product configuration of a few pattern plate, board card, and the Atlas200 AI that faces terminal quickens module also emerge as the times require.
China vice president of section of business of the intelligence that it is IT once expressed: Atlas is China the platform of ground floor of bed Ai complete inn, build through this platform China the software platform that is artificial intelligence cloud, it is the complete inn of artificial intelligence next.
Of course, hua Weiyun itself is applied Atlas.
One year is lain between when, atlas begins a line to go up to be sold external. Also be for market of better service of cloud of race to control. After all, "Go up the cloud " the main trend that makes software trade.