You fondle admiringly together enjoy rock? A what kind of stone is it? Should take bask in?

3, legendary luminous pearl of diamond of 4 kilograms of aerolites, bear global identification, in 4000 degrees of high temperature combustion issues a hair nondestructive, all gem of world of sweep anything away! ! ! Do not take some treasure fake to compare, can not compare a gender.

Aerolite diamond legendary luminous pearl

Berth of Luo Bu of dead desert ~ . The clever different episode that frequency sends, weird weather changes, the building orchid ancient city that disappears mysteriously, the building orchid person that disappears overnight, the legendary luminous pearl of invaluable. What has ~ of collect cloth berth produced certainly? ? !

Aerolite diamond legendary luminous pearl ~ Canada detects report, (exceed composition of 60 kinds of elements, cosmic alloy gathers, solid belong to infrequent. Included beryl among them, sapphirine is all component)

Po, fr, ra, ac, th, pa, u, np, pu these are radioelements, he Yi holds the post of without fish in detect. Legendary luminous pearl does not have any radiate, still give off light? Too mysterious! !

What contain major precious metal very beneficial to human body. Archaic monarches are contention legendary luminous pearl, not hesitate all cost, no wonder also!

Aerolite gem legendary luminous pearl, collect from Lou Lan of desert of Luo Bu berth. Hardness Mohs 7.8 ~ 8.1 between, do not suffer any illuminant stimulation, can give out naturally blue, white, green trichromatic ray,

What contain composition to there is: ? Suo Ran?6% . Nickel 20% above, carbon 9.325% lutetium, hafnium, tantalum, thorium, tungsten, thulium, yterbium, thallic, lead, cobaltic, beryllium, auger, iron, pick, yttric, silver-colored, manganese, titanium, platinic, palladium, rhenium, uranous, bismuth, gold, tungsten, niobium, rubidium, magnesian, Zuo , silicon, zinc, indium, barium, uranous, europium, neodymium, lanthanum, cerium, select, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, clamp, erbium, holmium, a variety of elements comprise 60 kinds of above such as antimony, cosmic alloy gathers, solid belong to infrequent! In the military affairs, science and technology, medical treatment, the domain such as spaceflight, having inestimable value! !

Energy of legendary luminous pearl exceeds your imagination, this content answer only the sky has, the world is god-given a fewHear!


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