Why to always feel present put together art program, film, teleplay, always let person laugh do not

See this problem, what I feel above all is regretful, because I am very long also,did not encounter the film that can produce resonance or teleplay or program of put together art. My individual feels main reason has the following:

The 1. growth as our age, our experience is richer and richer also, did not have that the portion is innocent with ignorant, novelty, we are very so eventful affection had looked to also do not have interest.

2. present movie and TV, the sense that always gives a person is similar, without what new office. Always be the feeling is imitating elder people thing, let a person carry do not have interest, of course the illusion that this also may be my individual, the too much reason that perhaps sees.

Present teleplay mixes 3. the film, because our science and technology jumps over the reason that will also develop,perhaps be, always feel the great void too exaggerative perhaps, not ground connection is angry. The movie and TV before doing not have is true!

Above is pure belong to an individual to experience, the opinion that everybody feels what to differs welcomes to make a speech!

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