Hong Kong drives towards the left, we drive right, so bead does big bridge of HongKong and Macow dri

Harbor bead bay big bridge. Be join Hong Kong, Zhuhai, Macao exceed the large passageway that cross the sea, full-length 55 kilometers, the world will be made after building the longest cross Hai Daqiao. 1983, hu Yingxiang put forward the architect of Hong Kong the earliest to build harbor bead bay big bridge idea, on December 15, 2009, harbor bead bay formal start builds big bridge.

New year's day is overnight 2018, the world is the longest cross Hai Daqiao harbor bead bay bright light of all fronts of big bridge main body, in the mark move big bridge has requirement of be open to traffic, predict will formal before July 1, 2018 be open to traffic.

Be in early in June 2017, coverage of Chinese government media points out: Collect fees to big bridge according to authorities forecast, at present two collect fees plan, illicit home car collects fees it is 150 yuan, van collects fees it is 200 yuan, but was not being stated is with money of RMB, Macao or HK dollar is calculated.

This a problem is perplexed small make up! We drive lean right, hong Kong drives lean left, that harbor bead bay does big bridge drive which edge travel to rely on?

As a result of inland and HongKong and Macow the traffic regulation of two ground is not identical, hongKong and Macow two ground drive rely on left travel, inland relies on right travel, so on big bridge how Where is travel? Actually the program of big bridge is mixed stylist people thought of this early of course, at the beginning of planning so already negotiate has been designed how travel, be such regulations allegedly:

The car that sets out from HongKong and Macow relies on left travel, and the car that sets out from Zhuhai relies on right travel, stylist inter designed " fried dough twist " , let driveway left and right sides retroflexion, perfect switch drive direction, but driver itself does not need because of metabolic driveway decelerate to jockey even. Must admit human wisdom is endless!

Why can so sweet Hongkong's person lean left drive?

At ordinary times everybody often drives went out to take boundless pleasure to the life all right, as the car advocate you had thought why the steering wheel of national car is however to the left in us right drive a vehicle namely Zun Duo is right drive, and is the steering wheel of a few countries of Hong Kong and abroad in right? What mystery do this have among them?

The world that includes China inside actually the country of 90% , the car is Zun Duo and rely on right travel, from human body labour learns to go up for, the mankind suits to shift gear with the right hand more a shake handshandle Buddhist templeput on the brakes. England is more special, in mediaeval period, the Englishman is equestrian fight the enemy, the right hand is obtaining a weapon, so horses must rely on enemy of left ability assassinate, slowly was out of shape the Englishman leans left drive and steering wheel is in right habit.

Factitious what can have with the Englishman as to Hong Kong drive euqally habit, the friends of familiar history had known certainly, hong Kong came 1841 British colony is belonged to during 1997, just return to China smoothly 97 years.

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