Face Swedish police to be opposite of Chinese tourist crude execute the law, if the victim is you, t

Above all, not money of otherwise be willing to part with or use, need not go up in national people figure more be economical. Do not have money not to go to Europe especially the country with the sort of boreal Europe so high spending goes, save money does not want if wanting to go.

Especially, want do in Rome as Rome does, want to abide by legal established practice of place, want to abide by order, do not do the sort of business that affects nation and national figure. What be affected otherwise is yourself not just.

Encounter a problem to encounter misunderstanding to want to be communicated calmly, not excited. Encounter consumptive dispute controversy, can complaint handling of after the event, can beg the police that helps place orgnaization of other perhaps government. Do a thing not to want go to extremes, encounter proper demand of the police, must should cooperate actively. The family lets you go, go actively, not need police carries you go out. Such doing, lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth, cry dad seeks a woman, fine long hair is insignificant.

Occasionally earlier should active concede, should eat to rise deficient, all favours on the world did not earn to you. For instance this ever surnamed a family, went up TV medium, became news person, return incur international dispute even. We should like to ask, they next how does journey do? Go back to the motherland how to do again?

未经允许不得转载:Question » Face Swedish police to be opposite of Chinese tourist crude execute the law, if the victim is you, t