Since 90 origin after version is updated, TX begins to be hit of purpose control the faction that move a brick, earnings of each the plan that move a brick all are reduced. Those who add aerolite and seigniorial pink delete, let moved a brick to increase difficulty again. But, for the halo of DNF, whats cannot hold back us to move bricky step, ge Landi is washed-up, we still have other plan. One of a few graphs that I think genetic version can move a brick are below:
One: Color defense lineThe color defense line of a part, this plan can produce a lot of costly material, resemble dimension brightness, birth bud, still have 138 spatio-temporal rock. If the face is fine, the feudal lord still can explode card giving pink, surmounting card, tiger card is costlier. But because of spatio-temporal stone limitation of date of a Zhang sells 80 everyday, can brush a date only so.
Income is steady, integrated income is controlled in 250w about
Different bound can yield stone of many empty empty demon, still have condense yield, the feudal lord returns check having white. Still can move a brick to earn money when making his equipment, what is there against it.
Integrated income 400 thousand (because everyday can 5)
3: Remote antiquity feels goldRemote antiquity feels gold to recommend bug king and false pig now, two graphs all have pink to block generation, fetch bug king and fetch false pig are the powdery card that value does not poor, and these two graphs still have the powdery card with a lot of other not quite high value and fabulous equipment, and still not little challenge book and invitation letter yield, suit those wanting that raise date to want to remove bricky brother again.
Because see a face quite, accrual is so errant. But in case give card of a piece of fetch, not be bright crooked.
3: All ages brickyard -- GelandiBecause Ge Landi produces to bring graph favour entrance ticket and make the Holy land that move a brick, a lot of complexion an emperor content or redness of skin 6 OK and relaxed Wang Zhe.
Ge Landi it doesn't matter is additional income, but expensive in stability. Although the feudal lord has powdery card, but I moved a year, one piece also had not seen.
Integrated income 2 million.
Person of Ge Landi that replace -- steely armSteely arm and Ge Landi principle are same, it is to yield round this material. Steely arm yields data chip, and the powdery card that the feudal lord yields also is costlier (the close card that measure pink explodes rate is higher than Gelandi) . And best is him it is to recommend a plan. Have the word of integral store, move a brick to still can earn integral at the same time at the same time, kill two birds with one stone.
But steely brachial difficulty is taller than Gelandilue, the date that move a brick needs appreciably to make ability can move Wang Zhe.
Integrated income 1.9 million
Xin Jin feels gold to pursue -- celestial islandAfter 90 genetic version are updated, appeared a lot of circular charts, celestial island is, the powdery right chamfer of 60 produces here, there is no lack of among them the royal series with very high value, still very expensive 55 class pink installs heavy armour jacket to yield. This graph is 60 level figure, suit those to move above not the part of those graphs will move, and measure a part in person least 2 pink outfit.
See a face quite, accrual adventitious.
Move a brick to want discretion, and row and cherish. Bricky friend must notice his body, body types or forms of literature is revolutionary capital, those who move a brick to be inferior to going out to look for a job to come is honest!