The boy friend's elder sister very depend on a boy friend how to do?

1. does not know his elder sister 28 years old to whether already married, whether be close sister. Having individually is adopted, this cannot eliminate!

2. looks seem of your boy friend is not grown, independent character case is not strong, be like crudely, still depend on close elder sister to show experience of life!

3. daughter is inscribed advocate peace the boy friend is different ground is loved, still not be husband and wife, had not gotten card, part company easily still, just word of a gas is so simple. Since, two people now be on speaking terms, should consider celebration to bear. Otherwise, very easy a long delay may cause trouble!

4. is current, you and male is friend relation only, still do not get legal protection. Male friend and he kisses elder sister or family, or kindred, and you and ground of male friendly different, it is adverse element, you still are apt to he kisses elder sister now, and he kisses elder sister to did not make mistake of what exceed what is proper. The hope is inscribed advocate clutch get card!

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