Are the 90 buildings of smooth rice strong decorate a flower 200 thousand what level be?

90 smooth hard outfit, flower 200 thousand, already special to many families pretty good, if want to have a specific idea, can contrast this 144 smooth hard outfit, spent 240 thousand, see the effect, estimate to there is a number in the heart.

It is sitting room and balcony above all, made simple condole top, metope is Bai Qiang, floor tile is commonner also.

TV wall, without redundant adornment, but get the better of was in contracted.

Toilet, inside and outside is divisional, bathroom and closestool are inside, the pool that wash gargle is outside.

Effect of whole of passenger dining room.

Here is a kitchen.


Room of couch couch rice, have a lifting platform, can make guest room already, OK also and appropriative the teahouse of recreational area.

Advocate lying chest, log color, look at quite natural.

Small wave window.

Finally is second lie and chest, after all owner was basked in in forum only so part. Nevertheless, the effect still is quite concise and lively.

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