A lot of gift of Xing Tai and season also have particular concern, so your looking is what season, also must see what person, one issue be an individual to recommend gift to offer reference only.
Carbonado of village of the Kingdom of Wei of 1. Long Yao, a lot of places can buy Xing station now, pack pretty good also, mouthfeel is very good.
2. faces the big fish of the city: This is in only on holidays when good search, in the county some buying, a bit bigger fish has 20 jins or so, this kind of big fish does not have earthy fishy smell, mouthfeel interest, a fish can come banquet of a complete fish.
3. faces the liquor on the west pretty good also, mouthfeel and flavour are very good, also not above, outer packing is very good.
The apple of the grave inside 4. : Have rich hillock apple and hillock bottom apple, if be the apple that individual sending a person suggests to send a your name, mouthfeel of this kind of apple is fragile sweet, without broken bits, juice much, had better be to be put in the zero of freezer to last layer, mouthfeel is particularly good.
The mouthfeel of become known apricot of 5. gigantic deer is very good, just such not quite good search, and the expiration period is particularly brief, it is OK to sample simply.
The Chinese chestnut of water of oar of county of 6. Xing stage had better be the fresh fruit when season, the way is very simple oneself are boiled in family expenses water it is OK to boil.
The thin-skinned walnut that 7. arrives a town, liquor that begin a stage, south mixed millet is waited a moment.
If use the small impurities grain of the heart not to need,pack elegantly only actually, if become,the new crop of season is best gift, gift is only formal the esteem to other, ceremony light affection is heavy.