" QQ flying car " does the hand swim in which car character is the strongest?

Acknowledgment invites, along with heart answering question, give high-quality goods surely -- flying car hand swims professional interlocution, boy man pays close attention to!

Current version is pet version, current version gives racing car along with the heart below do a character to compare " TOP5 " !

Current version altogether has 11 A car, exclude car of characteristic the weakest A directly above all " the night is fabulous " ! (right, it is the weakest, do not accept refute, hey! )

TOP5. Black lightning / photoelectricity You Xia.

Why to follow a heart can here discharge two cars?

Photoelectricity You Xia: If be not taken for a long time the first, it is divine car. Adding 30% backward compensation more is special bloodcurdling. But once the first it is an A car that does not have character.

Black lightning: Although be added every time speed is not much, but extraordinary stability, every bureau double gush is rife.

TOP4. Apocalyptic.

Apocalyptic a first is absolutely when swinging end to was not weakened, same now very strong, I am in its platoon the 4th.

TOP3. Dark Ye Baijue.

The character that always increases nitrogen won't be differred, because be random, the platoon is at the back of the star of bright.

TOP2. The star of bright.

Stable addition nitrogen, very convenient also computation, the platoon is in the 2nd.

TOP1. Day of jail fire howl.

Current version is characteristic the first, do not have controversy almost, lengthening the result that small spurt and nitrogen bring is first-rate.

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