What problem is what rural urgent affairs needs to solve most?
What I think rural urgent affairs needs to solve most is
One, the problem of children staying behind, great majority of the kid in the country goes out work, what remain in the home is children of troops make up of the old and weak, woman. The administrative education of children staying behind is affection of an important matter, also be a hidden trouble, because its parents is not beside, the education of children staying behind, safe thing can be assumed by mother-in-law of grandfather grandma farther-in-law only, once have an accident the old person is bad also to explain, not be the story that a lot of children staying behind have an accident in last few years. Children staying behind is by its parents drives dozen of building site to attend to or local government does nursery school newly to undertake administrative, oneself unripe child or oneself manage had better.
2, rural old people lives the problem of home of respect for the aged, in the country a lot of old people had lost able-bodied person, children is not beside, the life cannot provide for oneself, especially alone old person, when to die not to know. Home of respect for the aged is rural urgent affairs needs to solve one of problems most.
3, the farmer is added control the problem that become rich, the country is very poor still now, produce price is low, net profit profit is small, agriculture remains inferior value industry, those who need governmental project prop up. The rural area's new pillar industry has not been formed truly, the thinking that the industry grows is not clear.
4, problem of on the low side of rural labor quality. The smallholder consciousness of most farmer tradition is confirmed, widespread presence " Xiaofu is installed namely " psychology, lack does an important matter to start the development enterprising drive of great undertaking. Labour force quality is inferior, own innovation ability is weaker, lack goes out Wu industry technical ability. Need accepts farther skill to groom.
5, village problem of the first secretary, a lot of village lack have the leading wild goose of skill, basic level organization builds weakness, action play is not quite apparent. The village does not have collective economy income, the way that leads development rural economics is not wide.