Asymptotic of the university entrance exam, square dance jumps to disturb at the door old person sch

Did hellion age? Square dance jumps to disturb at the door old person school tall 3 students: Can take an examination of on Tsinghua does not jump

Hunan fierce ridge produced conflict at the door school of 2 middle schools recently, a flock of uncle aunts jump greatly in school doorway square dance, draw near the Gao Sansheng of the university entrance exam deeply its faze. The school appears personally bargaining, spit groove instead by the other side, want your school to assure to be able to take an examination of university of on 6 Tsinghua do not jump only. Do not have through many second bargaining if really, the school manages sectional reaction this matter to the city only. Not little to this matter netizen be filled with indignation, give counsel in succession, and plaint not be old person addle, however those hellion aged! To such old person everybody despises only, how to respect rise.

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The important matter that the whole people of 1 the university entrance exam pays close attention to, aunt of extremely big uncle of big be not a patch on jumps square dance

Be in China, every time when the university entrance exam, it is the whole people arouses almost, traffic lets path, commerce ban clear the way of sound, special to wait, all without exception shows the university entrance exam the significant position in compatriots heart. The reason does not have him, because of the university entrance exam to each important matter that examinee is influence lifetime, one difference is ethereal underground.

Memory is old, when I remember my the university entrance exam, get along between neighborhood very good, jump without the person at that time square dance, have old man only play cards below street lamp in the evening play chess, be unavoidable loudly atmosphere. Parents is very polite go begging them, hope they take an exam 3 days this not to wrangle loudly in the evening, exam of the child after 3 days was over to ask everybody to have a meal. Neighbour is very good talk, assure a few days that not to play cards or be nodded in a low voice play, say child school work is serious, scarcely can affect the child to take an exam. Final play of my train in excess specified length, achieve right result. Neighbour people Dou Gongxi me. Ask them to have a meal nevertheless, everybody says ought to, to now every time I think is full as before touch.

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Do not consider the popularity as square dance however, to aunt of a few uncle, extremely big ground is big, it is important to dance without oneself. Had not begun the university entrance exam nowadays, without strict in that way requirement, but a flock of aunt father's elder brother walk to the school to dance, opening acoustics, it is really too not honest and kind. Whose home does not have the child, whose child future is not important, change a place to move low volume to have why cannot? Right now I experience those to spill the bend of dung, projectile, state of mind that puts tweeter person to square dance aunt eventually, it is these uncle aunts communicate an other people to force hard really urgent, just have a few ultra action.

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2 otherwise want a face, morality is not restrained, legal check not

Develop as economy, the economic standard of people rises ceaselessly, but moral level did not catch up with however rise, a few uncivilized phenomena become much. All the time somebody is discussed is old person addle after all, still be hellion aged. The old person be in the majority that many people think instantly is respectable, it is one part hellion aged only just. Look in me actually, the germ of the problem depends on discovery of a few people wanting shameless to do a few things only, morality is not restrained, law also is not in charge of him. Especially take advantage of one's seniority of a few old people, it is unbridled more. Refresh is worn the moral bottom line of people.

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A news see before, on Gao Tie, the old grandma of silver hair of a full head flaps ceaselessly a young girl, let its give its offer one's seat to sb. Crucial question is, what train is different from short distance is public transportation, old grandma is taking offer one's seat to sb of girl of family of requirement of ticket for standing room, the family is about to stand still a few hours, not quite appropriate. More of stare tongue-tied letting a person is, after car attendant arranges a place to its, old grandma is exported not only dirty, and use fist weight attendant on a train, return fan steward a few a slap on the face. Shout high involve your fart issue, you want to rape! Such old support of the people is gentle do not take a side, also let person esteem do not rise, it is hellion aged really.

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Also be such old person, get on a car limp, gas is like hairspring. Quarrel, one scare buying, dance, the vigor that old people is spirit really then 4 shoot. Want their shameless only, morality cannot restrain them, use statute also is not in charge of them, have many only far hide much further.

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Language of admire bowstring education:

To these old people we can hide, because do not take care,the someone lies probably over there, it is compensate does not rise really. But our child does not hide, tall the student of 3 faces the university entrance exam even. Some netizens give counsel, the netizen's action sums up as follows:

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Actually I want to suggest the government takes their without exception a close-up, whole town billboard rolls the loop is broadcasted. Click of the tongue, face old still can go up advertisement, times have the family face! Much better! What proposal do you have to this?

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