Period of World War II, why is there a five-pointed star on Japanese army cap?

Be in the Europe of 19 centuries early, army has all sorts of different five-pointed star signs. After Russia empire holds water before, five-pointed star also is by embroider on the army cap of Russia army.

How the five-pointed star on Japanese legionary army cap comes?

Before new revolution of Japanese Ming Zhiwei, japanese army army cap does not have any marks, what the soldier wears is very cumbersome helmet. This kind of change should speak of newly later from Ming Zhiwei, the Japanese army begins to study western system in great quantities, include the martial system of the Japanese army among them.

The object that the Japanese army just began to learn is not Germany, however France. Weapon of the military uniform of Japanese army, equipment and military training means, originate entirely France.

During Sino-Japanese 1894 the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, what the Japanese army equips is the weapon of French army, what wear on the body also is French military uniform. At that time the Japanese army, there still is five-pointed star on army cap.

Be in eventually 1900, japanese Ming Zhitian emperor gives orders: Japan is all army, army cap wants the five-pointed star on embroider (5 awn star) . All we see 1904 when day Russia war, the ability on Japanese army army cap became much the five-pointed star of a yellow. Till August 15, 1945, japan surrenders that day, the five-pointed star on Japanese army army cap just disappears from the history.

Nevertheless five-pointed star of this kind of yellow is confined to Japanese army. Naval army cap of Japan does not have five-pointed star, the Japanese army is naval to reveal the place with him great army services, go up in the embroider on army cap directly oriental cherry.

Why does Japanese army army cap want embroider five-pointed star?

1, the national flower oriental cherry that the Japanese army thinks five-pointed star is representing Japan is petaline, mean them very patriotic;

2, five-pointed star is indicative sunshine, representing the Japanese army powerful in that way like ray of lofty or bottomless;

3, five-pointed star is Fu Yin of rabbi of Japanese ancient time, have the idea of the five elements, according to legend has the place of exorcise evil spirits, the Japanese army thinks five-pointed star can dodge bullet when fight;

4, five-pointed star is being represented " seal demon " , can demon seal, represent triumphal desire namely. (east flower machine)

Have some of daredevil Japanese army, replace maize five-pointed star red " the rising sun " , should be survived by the enemy target!

During the Second World War, have some of daredevil Japanese army, replace the maize five-pointed star on army cap red actually " the rising sun " (red sun) , gules sun is among Japanese army ensign, will show off their powerful military affairs with this.

Nevertheless this the rising sun indicates, became the hearts work target of sharp-shooter of the enemy on battlefield however, because of red special offend an eye. Go up in the southeast Asia battlefield in World War II for instance, have the Japanese army that carrying army cap of mark of the rising sun, even still the head plunges into arms of Japan banner taxi, look even if do not want the dare-to-die troops of the life.

The Japanese army becomes vivid target to avoid to be become by army of United States flower later, change the rising sun into five-pointed star afresh again.

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