Are you right " walk a dog not bolt rope " and " doesn't this dog bite a person " how to say th

Still have now walk a dog not bolt rope and say " doesn't this dog bite a person " person? Can saying only is too little. Now media so conduct propaganda, it is the dispute that the dog bites a person everyday, of hydrophobic poisonous what, frighten also be frightened dead, walk a dog not to pull dog string, that is the knot achieve that look for trouble!

I also raise a dog, I dare not say the dog of my home not to bite a person, but raise now 12 years, had not bitten up to now outstanding, but I must pull dog string, I say so, sprayer comes out to say I am installed certainly 13, I also am in the head go up this known view, realize empty interlocution through looking every day, let me know the person does not like a dog, some people hate a dog even, with the dog at daggers drawn, your dog does not have incur he, he wishs to kick it one foot, you walk a dog to still dare not pull dog string, is this to look for a job!

The dog is a dog after all, you can make sure what yourself can do anything but, but you are certain guarantee against your dog, the evening before last Tai Di of Li Ge stroll, loosened on square, an eldest brother was taking grandchildren to come over, small grandchildren goes straight towards a dog to run, dog dog goes straight towards small grandchildren to run over, the dog has not run to small grandchildren at the moment, eldest brother develops Tai Di kick one foot, kick gets Tai Di of Ao, li Ge demur did not say, hold a Tai Di in the arms to go on square, see Li Ge again a little while too, still sit in the chair depressed.

The choice raises pet, should bear a responsibility, no matter be small-sized dog or large dog, walk a dog to want to pull dog string, responsible to the behavior of dog dog, responsible to the dog, consider you rich, inspect others to be trifle, but you have to cherish your dog, didn't you see snapper dog some was beaten dead? You are again rich, can you still buy exactly like dog dog?

Anyhow, go out walk a dog pull on dog rope, it is meddlesome to the dog to you, as to " dog of my home dog does not bite a person " say a word, what your where comes is so self-confident.

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