NBA player income is so high, go up at every turn ten million U.S. dollor, what why go bankrupt is s

Although NBA player is having extremely strong fitness, partial star still is having preeminent basketball intelligence quotient, but their management to money never a sound program. Take the famousest insolvency example for Antuomowoke, the gain of altogether of 6 excellent career of 1996 gold generation 100 million 8 million dollar, as contrast, tall red career does not pass a gain 90 million dollar, after passing more however, antuomowoke did not save next money to come for oneself not only, return be heavily in debt, must announce to go bankrupt.

A what concept is 100 million dollar? It is you make money no longer from now on probably, one day also can burn 10 thousand dollar 27 years. The reason that Antuomowoke goes bankrupt depends on, he returns very good outer part after leaving NBA, because this purchases car of a person of extraordinary powers ceaselessly, and he is brought up from inside the slums of Chicago namely as a child, a flock of a gang of scoundries are beside, to feed these so called " friend " , walker must give many pay -- this and Ai Fusen very picture, latter gave many money for friends likewise, just the lifelong contract that Ai Fusen is having acute situation, because this wants,letting him go bankrupt still is unlikely. Return Walker, he invests a respect in house property special failure, deficit is huge, because this is mere,go bankrupt after retiring two years, the Walker after going bankrupt does not tread again to help young player his the track of an overturned cart in finance, undergraduate player is technically to popularize finance and the knowledge that invest a respect between a company, he tells posterity people: "You must want to learn to say not, begin to make money when you, you can gain a lot of opportunities, at that time you must have managed your financial environment, it is occasionally very difficult mouth also should learn to say not. Misbegotten problem is the one big reason that NBA player goes bankrupt likewise, once it is such that supersonic speed giant star is like Enkanpu, his NBA career is brilliant and legend, but such he of old age however spending: Fail reappear attempt, be arrested because of drugs for many times and amount to the 10 bastard children of many, to pay these children allowance, camp still is final till many years old 40 in other small alliance play a ball game. Career altogether of Camp earned 9000 much dollars, know without the person how he manages these money after all. Probably these stories also tell us, no matter you are how old big shop sign, if not be good at managing, fall likely into out at the elbows place, especially in NBA that group " upstart " player, they surroundings is bad in one's childhood, rate of a lot of literacy is not high also, have technology of a suit basketball for nothing, once had money to be on prodigal condition easily, no matter return the fan that is them to the player, do not hope to see.

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