Why does the basin carry get rich does the tree raise period of time to be met dead in the home?

Hello, I am the evil spirit that loves flowers and plants, not be all and potted get rich the tree raises period of time to be met dead, some people are cured also is a few years raise pretty good, raising period of time to be met dead still basically is matter with the method that raise establish with the environment. The commonnest potted get rich two accounts that establish dead are to be irrigated dead with stifle.


Super and super get rich more the tree dies at watering, get rich although the tree likes wet environment, but itself is very be able to bear or endure of drought, basin earth does not do scarcely to want to irrigate, should irrigate one-time irrigate fully. My get rich the diligent that tree summer can irrigate a bit, probably a week is irrigated, a month irrigates the likelihood when the winter is very cold. Interval waters to basically see your area where be in, raise where, basin territory is felt when every secondary is irrigated, feel very dry to be irrigated again, rot easily otherwise.

If basin earth did not work,get rich the tree shows arid symptom, for instance blade hair curls, that gives gush of gush of face of blade water in the morning everyday, the hand that must run oneself does not water directly, this is not an earthy doing bring about, however indoor air is too dry bring about, gush gush water increases humidity to be able to be solved.


Raise get rich tree must ventilated, a bit fresh air does not give lock of the window that fasten the door, calculate so water to give disease very easily also less to come frowzily. General lamina is shown Brown follow to water and be done not have namely mostly ventilated about, cause a bacterium to bring about. Even if do not have a condition at ordinary times ventilated, irrigate water to also want every time ventilated, the water portion in earth letting a basin volatilizes quickly. Conditional word drives window all wind everyday as far as possible, dead possibility can be reduced a lot of.

Besides above at 2 o'clock, potted get rich the tree still has a dead law to be basked in dead namely.

Get rich tree had better not the sun is basked in continuously, especially summer, bask in long leaf worked, do individual plant death next. The place that is put in ventilated astigmatism is best, the sun in the winter can be basked in appropriately, age basks in morning and evening, summer is put in the place of astigmatism as far as possible.

Cure actually get rich the tree still basically waters and ventilated, some people raise get rich the tree does not bask in the sun all the year round, for instance the bank is being put in hall greatly, it is good to also grow superly. A the mainest reason is they accuse water strictly, besides playday other time the gate is being opened wide, ventilated effect is first-rate. Their basin territory can be felt when everybody goes to a bank, very dry really very dry. Your get rich is the tree returned? My raise 4 years not bad good, leave a message to be discussed together.

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