Want to be skin filling water quickly, can try film of next emergency treatment face! Film of emergency treatment face is stronger than general area film effect, the function shows namely. It a few are recommended to everybody below is good that a few are recommended to everybody below used first aid filling surface film
Film of face of pill of blue of graceful of beautiful of the base of a fruitRate of filling water of this face film is very rapid, can let the skin quickly drink full water, improve the oily position outside working inside the skin. Acid of make water of small element Bo has very strong osmosis force, moisture complements by can thorough flesh, contain a lot ofalgal extraction content, enhance the skin to protect wet power, your skin maintains water embellish sense.
This face film comes from England, have the lacteal face film of ice-cream quality of a material, it is not easy to be pushed, but filling water effect very Jing is colourful. In use process, this face film can feel cutaneous dry degree, when the skin is absorbing face film moisture, face film will be thinner and thinner, just began what velar institute has above besmear to stick feeling of be bored with to disappear subsequently. Suit to use emergency treatment filling water, slow the unwell sense that dry place brings the skin.
This face film special all-round, emergency treatment filling water is it only the function of special foundation, after been use can abiding protect wet, the skin by inside and outside Shui Runtong is appeared. Besides, antiphlogistic, carry bright, beauty white, fight knit etc very be expert at, apply can have the results with special colourful Jing, be worth to try.
The product with the famousest SK-II besides immortal water, before another should belong to this film of male friendly face, the name also has manner very much! This face film, have the basis of immortal water, PITERA, 10 times! So flavour also is to follow immortal water about the same, elite juice is particularly much, filling water maintains wet ability top-ranking, still can carry bright color of skin quickly. Extremely dry like the skin, stay up late color of skin is dark heavy etc, apply is over to get effective immediately. As to defect, namely " expensive " word!