When does ground rice eat twice, it is good to often have ground rice?

One, ground rice is in it is OK to add initial stage one day two.

According to the requirement it is to just began to add complementary when feeding, when 6 months are controlled, should add to darling namely complementary feed, can add two meat at the beginning, in the morning feed, afternoon feed, feeding after the recipe is suckled or the mother breeds removed 9 hours, resemble was being controlled at 10 o'clock in the morning for instance, at 34 o'clock afternoon when. Have

2, some darling can be added after 4 months complementary fed, specific see whether contented the following demand.

1, the grandma of a day of 800 milliliter still feels very hungry.

2, when treasure him Mom is having a meal, darling was interested in adult food.

3, cervical can prop up head left and right sides completely to sway.

After having these a few kinds of cases, can consider to be added to darling complementary fed, that is to say the following darling can try 4 months to have two eat ground rice everyday. How to arrange as to the time of two eat ground rice, the individual thinks to be able to arrange it in the morning to mix go afternoon.

3, just began to add complementary when feeding can complementary feed and the grandma develops tone to feed darling to eat together at the same time. Also be to let darling be in add at the beginning complementary when feeding, facilitate he is accepted. Grow as darling development, complementary feed should serve as a meal to eat to the child. The child of 7 months has the ground rice of 15 grams suddenly, a day 2, it is possible, increase an amount gradually, add complementary feed cannot impatient! He has store of door of baby of a few mothers this kind of ground rice, one bag is 15 grams.

4, it is good that the darling that says like you often has ground rice? The file requirement that the country defends a committee of planning is darling arrives from 6 months 36 months are to must want to add complementary feed, arrive 3 years old from half years old namely between. Just add complementary feed inchoate moment to must want to add the ground rice that contains aggrandizement iron, because the iron element of need of darling body place is,cannot breed through the mother or recipe milk powder is unavailable. Must adopt other ways, the ground rice that contains aggrandizement iron namely complementary feed will undertake absorbing. I am V of Liu Mu Ang, the country is common nutrient division, pregnant is produced period nutrient coach, dedicated at equipment pregnancy, pregnancy, puerperium nutrition seeks advice, 0-3 year old infant complementary feed add with make.

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