In Beijing abundant stage bright red door grabs child incident in, how do you see the words and deed

1: ?

2: ?

3: ? Pen barium mother changes mother of pleasant choke fine Song Tiao of wood of value of book of  of which apology Yu is fond of barium of pen of Shi ode Bao  of delay fine scar the authority of the person that street of straightforward advice Zong conceives Yu Uan Fan not to do Shi thing.

4: ? Mother of barium of pen of bad astounded of favour of A Chinese-style unlined garment changes Ω of Nao of Fu lift up to knock at hole of besmear of  of boundless and indistinct of brandish of arrogate to oneself of  of avarice of modular   second  ぷ makes an appointment with expose sb's misdeeds or crimes canal of pure Chu of  of Dan of drought angry  Home Uo no matter, lamentable is a head above those who take a hot search is such-and-such star forever how how, to child safety problem, not be a rank actually the first, oneself feel this problem is quite serious, contrast atmosphere.

5: ? Does Sun gum change pleasant cowardly to write  of leech of favour of brandish of C of copy of male of eddy of quail of sex of  of model of a cricket  to make an appointment with  of right bifurcation of drought dusk ⒆ to step on  to make fun of  canister melt does live abroad of fade of  of four crisp  risk commission of confused of be surprised new moon a few board agrees does approach  enzymatic  sigh graceful?

Have these problems, couplet thinks of his opinion, the likelihood comes to those who say the country is true to pay attention to play too at present child, include recent Fan Bing~ , and Xiu Bo is waited a moment, still have those who eating Guanfan not to do Ren thing, the individual feels too light to what law of problem of trader in human beings punishs, the cost cost that should be a mistake is too low, perfunctory, so just secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing, if give trader in human beings,do not have period or set term of imprisonment 50 years, you see crime rate can fall, useful do not strengthen, trashy solid really reach every aspect of a matter, also do not work forever, the name of quite good what that feels to there is a word to say inside a teleplay that looks recently did not say: ? Etc say to seek this  fade and does leech  bud say some talks about  ?

There is some of sideslip at the back of the likelihood, excited cause, it is good to give silent to aunt of uncle of husband and wife encouragement you finally of appearance.

By accident cutout, have bad connection I go, oneself are deleted.

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