Run what does drop drop have to ask to the car?

Have a demand of course, different city, the requirement is different.

General requirement 4 respects

    Wheelbase asks to discharge a quantity to ask car age asks the price asks

General wheelbase has 3 class. ≧ 2600mm, ≧ 2630mm, ≧ 2670mm, ≧ 2700mm.

Car age requirement is commonly inside 1 year new car

Car price asks to also can have 3 class commonly, ≧ 80 thousand, ≧ 100 thousand, ≧ 120 thousand, or is travelling block of make one's rounds of prep above place.

Discharging an amount is ≧ 1.4T commonly or 1.6L, 1.8L.

Countrywide net makes an appointment with lowest of car policy doorsill is Daqing, basic it is to did not ask, what car also can run, want to card goes only.

Highest word the first it is Yinchuan, it is Shandong each city next, taller also.

I do not know you are in which city, do not have a law to inform you to rise so inferior KX7 can run after all, but you want only it is to be absent Yinchuan, should be no problem, because of wheelbase 2700mm, the price is gotten small 200 thousand, the platoon measures absolutely pass a barrier!

Can say, you this car runs the word of a drop, be very perfect, the passenger should be met like very much. But you run with this car drop, possible meeting be out of pocket. Because cost is too high! Do not suggest you are used so high-end car goes running drop.

See this girl to finally, hahaha!

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