Why is Luoyang person often says Zhengzhou ascends sealed fleabane hill Shaolin Temple Luoyang?

Old Luoyang person says be Luoyang to ascend sealed fleabane hill Shaolin Temple, have historical reason. Later period of the Republic of China, ascend sealing is attributive Henan visits area of superintend of the 10th administration, control place Luoyang county. 1958, enter town of Zhengzhou of the put under that seal a county. Later, 1961, ascend the put under that seal a county to unseal zone. Final, 1983, open feudal area cancel, enter town of Zhengzhou of the put under that seal a county.

Fleabane hill Shaolin Temple becames famous is was controlled 1983, the behavioral motion picture that Li Lianjie acts the leading role " Shaolin Temple " fire alls over great river north and south, countrywide person knew Shaolin Temple, but, people knows the whole nation only ascend sealing is the prefectural class city that belongs to Zhengzhou, when knowing to ascend an early belong to Luoyang the earliest.

Zhengzhou has 3000 to build city history for years, it is Shang Wenming's birthplace. But, luoyang has 5000 old culture history, built 4000 city history and 1500 old found a capital history, the world of Luoyang peony armour, limelight is more driving than Zhengzhou much!

Zhengzhou is adjusted because of setting of division into districts had ascend, because of the film " Shaolin Temple " occupied defecate appropriate!

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