My world, although confuse your excrement bound harm, defence, the harm that 5 nature of hematic quantity × get also the 5 worlds that add me have × god implement. I introduce alliance elder brother a few.
Final sword, harm × at 800 o'clock 5, second of 4000 bits of one action is killed fan you are all, right key is atttacked remotely confuse your dog not to escape.
Dead shadow. Withered, wow 1 listening is the weapon that an ox forces. Harm × of 600 bits 5, 3000. Skill dies touch cause 100 a little bit to harm accessary withered to adversary continuously, decelerate effect is hit 10 times group attack, always hurt × 5, harm at 5000 o'clock. The soul of a deceased person in fokelore Palladium Scot is exclusive weapon.
Azrael hook, 303 believe everybody knows, as divine weapon is indispensable, right, you do not have mishear. This is of 303 exclusive weapon. Might is clinking.
Hei Yao is guarded, seed Min greatly god implement without powerful attack, attack and broken bits but defense force is boundless and OK will final sword is held off. Can say the summit summit that is defense force.
Too much nevertheless my lazy explanation. Do obeisance to.